Eyes2See is a non-profit we are creating to help others see, connect with and advocate for those often marginalized in our world.
Let’s be honest. Most of us go about our daily lives without thinking about people outside our sphere. That was us, too. But right in the middle of our tidy, safe lives, God gave us a precious gift in the birth of a child (Jonathan) with Down syndrome. We didn’t know it then, but he would open our eyes to a beautiful community of people with special needs. This started us on a life journey of seeing, knowing and loving people we would have likely missed.
A houseless mother, a Middle Eastern refugee family, a foster child, a lonely widow, a recovering addict. Each of these people were once just “categories” to us, but over time, they became close friends - and even family.
Here’s the thing. It’s easy to live life within a safe circle of what is familiar. But there are people who need you outside that circle. And not only do they need you, but you need them.
We hope that by sharing our story and others like it, you will have the courage to take steps toward someone you might have previously overlooked. And when you do, it will not only make a difference in their life, but yours.
Our How
We use story as a catalyst for connection, advocacy, and transformation.
Be a learner. We tell stories that teach people to see themselves and others with a new perspective.
Be a friend. We provide opportunities to build relationships with people often overlooked.
Be a voice. We use our influence to speak for those who are not heard.
Be a story teller. We share the changes that take place in us with others.
Join Us!
We are currently forming our nonprofit and need funds to begin purchasing the equipment needed for story telling. We give a portion of the proceeds from every real estate transaction to this cause, but we would love for this to become a crowdfunded effort. The possibilities are endless, and we would love to have you join us!